Stay At Home Survival Guide — Fabulous Finds for Happy Hunkering

Lisa Johnson Mandell’s Stay at Home Survival Guide gives you great ideas for work, play, comfort, health, eating and drinking.
I’ve always been happy here working at home in Hollywood…Until I was told my comings and going should be limited. Suddenly, I’m feeling crazily claustrophobic, and to make matters worse, I don’t seem to have a thing to wear…or eat.
Getting ahold of myself, I remember I’ve been successfully working at home for years, and I’ve got this! I’ve learned how to be comfortable, proficient and productive, with the aid of some great little tricks and products. Plus, there are dozens of excellent new goodies coming out on a daily basis, and I’ve forayed to the forefront to find them, so I can share them to those of you to whom this might be a new and frustrating experience.
Take a peek and come back often — I’ll be adding products on a daily basis.
Del Sol Color Changing Nail Polish

Since we’re all doing our own nails these days, why not have a little fun and try Del Sol color changing nail polish. Since it changes color once it’s exposed to sunlight, it’ll induce you to get up and get out in the fresh air. I know many of us are sheltering in place, but never coming into the light can be damaging to the spirit. Plus, they offer a variety of great colors in Classic, Matte, Shimmer, and Glitter finishes. Pretty pretty!
See the full article by At Home in Hollywood here.