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Color-Changing Nail Polish
Del Sol’s color-changing nail polish, which changes colors when exposed to sunlight, is one of the company’s best sellers. Everyone has their go-to color. We want to know what yours is, so we created the Color-Changing Nail Polish Bracket.
Each polish is grouped into four categories — glitter, shimmer, matte and neon — and seeded into a match-up.
Throughout the week, we want you to take the bracket challenge, helping us determine which color is Del Sol’s all-time favorite. It’s simple. All you have to do is cast your vote below every day to make sure your beloved nail polish moves to the next round. We’ll have rounds of 32, 16, 8 and 4 to arrive at the color-changing nail polish championship (see below). The polish with the most votes in the championship wins, becoming FREE with any purchase October 12!
It’s time to get your game on. Start voting, sharing and voting some more! We expect you to get your family and friends involved to make sure your favorite polish becomes Del Sol’s favorite.
Voting will start 9:00am MST and end at 9:00am MST the next day. See below for voting dates:
Wednesday, October 7: Round of 32 – VOTING FOR THIS ROUND IS NOW OVER
Thursday, October 8: Sweet 16
Friday, October 9: Elite Eight
Saturday, October 10: Final Four
Sunday, October 11: Championship
Monday, October 12 – Columbus Day: The polish that wins the bracket will be FREE with any purchase!
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