Delivering guaranteed smiles to a child’s “Make-A-Wish” birthday party or to an underprivileged school classroom is always in high demand these days, but can often be in short supply.
Del Sol recently answered the call, bringing its color-changing nail polishes and color-changing Disney-Marvel shirts to the Make-A-Wish foundation.
“The Princess Party was a wild success. Elsa and Anna were even in attendance. Thank you again for donating supplies for Erin’s [Make-A-Wish] proclamation party. Erin and her friends were thrilled with the cool Disney Del Sol shirts! You went a long way towards inspiring me and ensuring that our wish child felt special.” – Jeani Pack (Make-A-Wish Volunteer) & Daniel Dudley (Make-A-Wish Corporate & Community Manager)
Every 28 minutes Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories. They believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides them in everything they do. It inspires them [and all of us] to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids they serve.
Also, as part of a recent in-house initiative to give back to hundreds of schools nationwide, Del Sol donated thousands of its color-changing Disney-Marvel backpacks to underprivileged elementary-school classrooms. We chose these deserving schools and classrooms after reviewing essay submissions from school teachers and school administrators. Here’s an example of an essay from a 5th grade teacher at Bayshore Elementary in Florida:
“I am nominating my 5th grade class. I am the teacher and my kiddos are Title 1. To get a new backpack in the middle of the year is necessary for some kids. I have some students who are still using the backpacks they had from last year. I have bought and given out 6 backpacks to some of the students in my class whose bags just ripped up and couldn’t hold anything anymore. It’d be a great thing and I know my 5th grade kiddos would appreciate this very much. A lot of my kids come from low income or no income families and it’s hard for them to buy school supplies for themselves. They also come from families that have more than 3 kids in the household. Some are considered homeless because they are living in a house with multiple family members. Thank you for this opportunity to reward my kiddos.”
After receiving the backpacks, the teacher had this to say: “Thank you so very much! You’ve brought me to tears! The kids were thrilled to receive them. Thank you so much!”
This is what Del Sol is all about, creating fun, joy, smiles and memories for everyone under the sun. We appreciate and salute the thousands of amazing teachers, administrators, volunteers and caregivers from schools and hospitals all over the world who are providing selfless service to so many children on a daily basis. You are making the biggest difference of all. We’re glad that we could help in your efforts.