Dear Del Sol, “YEAH! Testing is over, and we were able to hand out shirts and had a sunny day for them to enjoy. I so wish you could have been here to see their faces as your shirts lit up in the sun. What a wonderful, awesome thing your company has done for us. […]
Del Sol Donations Help Raise Funds for Type 1 Diabetes Research
Dear Del Sol, “I wanted to write a personal thank you for your support of raising over $28,500 for this year’s Volley4JDRF charity event. Our most ever! This puts us over $130,000 total funds over the past few years!” “Money [and donations] like this goes to very good use! It funds research for type one […]
Del Sol CEO Rewards Scholarships to 46 Drug-Free Students
Making a difference in drug-free students’ lives this week, Del Sol Chairman and CEO, Jeff Pedersen, along with his parents and siblings awarded 46 college scholarships at Utah’s East High School through the privately run David B. Pedersen Scholarship Foundation. The David B. Pedersen Foundation began eight years ago, and it has since awarded nearly […]
Del Sol Atlantic City Gives Back to St. Jude’s
Jon from Del Sol in Atlantic City stopped by Cat Country radio station with a $500 check for the kids at St.Jude! Always looking to spread sunshine in more ways than one. Thanks Jon and Del Sol! This Del Sol store is the only one located in the state of New Jersey. Owners, Charlie Joyner, […]
Sensitive Eyes Soothed by Del Sol Sunglasses
Dear Del Sol, “Thank you for your help in replacing my sunglasses. The new glasses are working great along with the pair my husband purchased. The help we received that day was wonderful, and we enjoy telling people about our glasses and where they can buy them.” “Thank you again — the new glasses are […]
Del Sol Spreads Sunshine to South Carolina Medical Community
Dear Del Sol & Cariloha, “[We] wanted to say thank you very much for the donation that you made to our recent Radiology Conference. We had 205 participants this year. We, as the committee, were thrilled with the products and the reactions from participants and winners. [We] really appreciate your support!” Thank you again, Rita […]