“In the heart of Old Town Scottsdale, lies a store that has the coolest products for all ages to enjoy. When I first came across the Del Sol store, I walked by it and thought nothing of the poster that read “color changing nail polish.” After killing some time around the corner, I started pondering more about this elusive “color changing nail polish” and my curiosity got the best of me.”
“My first thought was that they must be selling stuff with Hypercolor technology, where the shirt would change color due to body heat. I actually never owned a Hypercolor shirt, because the thought of other people touching my clothing to make it change color scared me. I was quite protective of my clothing back then and being somewhat of a germaphobe didn’t help.”
“As I walked in to investigate, I was instantly transfixed on the counter of sample nail polish and inquired about how they change color. Mitch Woulfe, the general manager and owner of the Del Sol guided me to one of four “color changing stations” and explained that the color changes in sunlight. The greatest part about their products was that I didn’t even have to test them outside in the hot Arizona sun. Which was a plus, because upon further investigation they had a whole wall of color changing nail polish to choose from and not having to go outside saved me a lot time and effort. Secondly, I was relieved that they changed color on their own in the sunlight, which in my opinion makes anything made by Del Sol better than Hypercolor.”
Read the rest of the Examiner article by Jennyvi Dizon, Phoenix Fashion Design Examiner