Spring colors and fragrances are definitely in the air and, since tulips, daffodils, and lilacs are blooming everywhere, and we’re kind of stuck at home, we wanted to create a spring floral nail polish design that complements your spring outfits, matches the spring weather outside, and gives you something fun to occupy your time. Thanks […]
St. Patrick’s Pot o’ Gold Del Sol Nail Polish Art Tutorial
March is the month for the wearing of the green, so we’ve created this magical St. Patrick’s Pot O’ Gold Nail Polish Design to make your month even more festive! We’re using Del Sol’s “Go Green or Go Home” color-changing nail polish, along with a white polish, a gold polish, a top coat, medium gold […]
Del Sol Color-Changing Criss-Cross Nails Tutorial
Remember the popular ’90s tune, Jump, by Pop singers, Kriss Kross, that went something like, “Kriss Kross’ll make you jump, jump.” This new color-changing nail art is sure to make you jump, jump when you see this nail design change color with sunlight. The transformation from one design to another is amazing! The hidden blue […]
Zig-Zag Holiday Color-Changing Nail Art Tutorial
Looking for a festive nail design to go with your holiday merrymaking and winter wardrobe? Del Sol has a beautiful color-changing nail art design that will match the spirit of the season shade for shade. This zig-zag holiday color-changing nail art design uses Del Sol’s beautiful “Rain, Rain Go Away” polish or “Area 51” polish, […]
Tips for Long-Lasting Summer Nail Polish
Warm weather is here, and that means most of us will be wearing nail polish more often to show off our hands and feet. The barer summer clothes and sandals mean your feet and hands will be center stage, so putting a few extra minutes into proper nail care is a must for the prettiest […]
Tickled Pink Heart Tutorial for Valentine’s Day
Feel the love this Valentine’s with our Tickled Pink Color-Changing Nail Polish tutorial! All you need is a dotting tool, a white polish, and Del Sol’s Tickled Pink (or Every Blooming Thing) and Reckless color-changing nail polishes. Every Blooming Thing or Tickled Pink polishes change to from light pink to rose red with sunlight. Reckless […]