Here’s something really simple you can do to improve your child’s chance of future health and success: make sure he spends plenty of time playing outside. There are many ways in which this generation’s childhood is different from that of the last generation, but one of the most abrupt contrasts is the degree to which […]
Best Time of Year to Plan a Cruise
Back-to-school traffic is in full swing and summer is slowly winding down. Don’t put away your bathing suits and beach towels just yet though! We’ve officially entered the fall shoulder season— One of the best times of the year to plan a vacation. While everyone else is putting away their suitcases, us cruise veterans have […]
Less Screen, More Green: Outdoor Sunshine Safety Tips for Kids
When you’re family is outside having fun in the sun this summer season, you’ll want to keep everyone safe and smiling at the same time. Our friends over at provide some excellent tips and guidance for keeping kids safe and healthy while they’re enjoying the great outdoors. Outdoor time for kids is an essential […]
Tips for Long-Lasting Summer Nail Polish
Warm weather is here, and that means most of us will be wearing nail polish more often to show off our hands and feet. The barer summer clothes and sandals mean your feet and hands will be center stage, so putting a few extra minutes into proper nail care is a must for the prettiest […]
5 Ways You’re Hurting Your Children this Summer and Don’t Even Know it
Are the “lazy days of summer” hurting your kids? When school gets out, the days with your kids at home can seem long and endless. It’s all too easy for parents to get complacent and give into the “lazy days of summer.” But that laziness shouldn’t be the norm. Here are five ways you could […]
Eight Water Safety Tips for Swimming Pool Season
With warmer weather every day in the forecast, many pools across the country will begin to open. For many, the summer season is filled with days by the pool, splashing around, swimming, and enjoying the company of others. Anytime your day involves the pool, be sure to stick to the following water safety tips to […]